Building a global Network Relations with the internet has made huge changes in personal information system and even comments left on a webpage of SNS(Social Network Services) are appreciated as important elements that would provide valuable information for someone.
Social Network is a relation between individuals or groups, represented in a graph model, which converts the concept of psychological and social relations into a logical structure by using node and link.
But, most of the current personalized systems on the basis of Social Network are built and constructed mainly in the PC environment, and the systems are neither designed nor implemented in mobile environment.

Personalized Mobile Information Retrieval System
Hence, the objective of this study is to propose methods of providing Personalized Mobile Information Retrieval System using NFC(Near Field Communication) Smartphone, which will be then used for Smartphone users. Besides, this study aims to verify its efficiency through a comparative analysis of existing studies.
Source: National University of Tainan
Author: Okkyung Choi | Kangseok Kim | Duksang Wang | Hongjin Yeh | Manpyo Hong
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