Being a leading medical college & hospital of the country, still Bangladesh Medical College Hospital has never used a Database Management System for managing their data and information. Till now they rely on hardcopies for storing and retrieving important data.
Designing a Database Management System for the Hospital would bring an effective change in the managing system of the hospital. Basically, we wanted to work with the hospital section of Bangladesh Medical College & hospital.
We have worked on doctors, patients & employees information – their relationships, the information of the departments (e.g. Cardiology, Orthopedics, and Pathology etc), provided facilities (e.g. Mobile hospital, blood bank, emergency, Ambulance etc) in our database management system.
Source: IJCSE
Authors: Rosina Surovi Khan | Mohammad Saber
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>> List of Hospital Management System Projects in JAVA, PHP, VB, C, C++, ASP.Net, VB.Net