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Android Studio Quiz App Source Code Download

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This app was developed as a learning project for Android. It is developed in Android Studio 3.6 Canary

  • CompileSdkVersion – 28
  • buildToolVersion – 28-0-3
  • minSdkVersion – 16
  • targetSdkVersion – 28

QuizApp is an android based application, and enables the user to undertake a series of questions on Java language. The app is user friendly, and the user shall find it extremely easy to answer the multiple-choice questions. At the end of the quiz, a result-report is generated which states the score. The app also presents an option to the current user to play the question-round again or quit in between.
There are four Activities in the app :

  1. Main – displays Home Screen of application.
  2. Questions – displays MCQ’s and currents Score.
  3. Results – displays Results after finishing the quiz.
  4. Developers – displays the information about the developers.

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