This project is about developing a live chatting module based on the social networking site, Orkut. We studied the working of orkut in detail and tried to extract important features in our project. Basically our project works on LAN while the real orkut works on internet. But the basic idea behind it is the same, that is to provide the user with a enjoyable and good-to-look means of communication.

Mini Orkut Using JAVA
The real orkut provide the users with lot of options such as add as a friend ,write scraps, add to crush list, write testimonials, joining communities etc. but we plan to include only the basic options in our project which deal with communication purpose or rather the chatting purpose . Hence our project will contain basic functions like add as friend, write scraps and uploading photo.
To implement this project, sufficient knowledge of JAVA is needed. Along with that, knowledge of socket programming and JDBC is must. Lets see how they are implemented…
- Socket programming is needed to connect PC’s together and exchange information between them.
- The code of the project has to be done in JAVA hence knowledge of JAVA is must!!!!
- Also all the information is to be stored in database, hence to connect the database with our source code, knowledge of JDBC is needed.
Authors: Mahendra Bachhav, Pushkaraj Bhirud, Alok Bugde, Harshad Inarkar, Gaurav Yardi
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