This is a complete hospital management system developed in Visual Basic and Microsoft Access. The main objective of the Visual Basic Project on Hospital Management System is to manage the details of Appointments, Patient, Hospitalservice, Doctors.
The purpose of the project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for managing the Appointments, Nurses, Medicines, Patient. It tracks all the details about the Patient,Hospitals, Doctors.

Hospital Management System in Visual Basic and MS Access
Main files of this project are:
- frmAbout.frm
- frmAddDoctorVisits.frm
- frmAddGuardian.frx
- frmAddMedicalTreatments.frx
- frmAddNewCompany.frx
- frmAddNewDoctor.frm
- frmAddNewHospitalService.frx
- frmAddNewOutPatient.frm
- frmAddNewWard.frm
- frmAddServiceTreatmentsIn.frx
- frmAdmitPatient.frm
- frmCalendar.frx
- frmChannelingAppointmentsRpt.frm
- frmCompaniesSearchWizard.frx
- frmCreateDoctorSchedule.frx
- frmIPDOverallBilling.frm
- frmMedicalTreatmentsOut.frx
- frmUltimateInpatientSearch.frm
- frmWardsSearchWizardAdmit.frx
Doubts & Discussions on Hospital Management System in VB
>> List of Hospital Management System Projects in JAVA, ASP.Net, PHP, VB, C, C++, VB.Net
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