This report is to suggest an IP based Patient Monitoring System (PMS) with an Open Architecture Approach Theory (OAAT). The PMS is based on latest buses connectivity, especially by using the TCP/IP protocol suite as an internal bus instead of the traditional design like HPIB, Profi-bus and CAN bus etc.
The TCP/IP protocol suite is easily available in very cheap price, so it is good approach to use TCP/IP protocol suite as internal bus for reducing the cost effectiveness. The TCP/IP protocol suite based architecture systems are capable to upgrade the PMS’s firmware and software through dedicated TCP/IP protocols suite via open communication network.
The patient monitoring is a very critical monitoring system, it can monitor physiological signals including electrocardiograph (ECG), Respiration Rate, Invasive and Non-Invasive Blood Pressure, Oxygen Saturation in Human Blood (SpO2), Body Temperature and other Gases etc. During patient treatment, the PMS is to monitor continuously vital physiological signs of the patient. It is quite hard job for medical personnel to monitor each patient for 24 hours.

IP based Patient Monitoring System
The importance of PMS in medical treatment is very high; therefore, medical manufacturers are introducing centralized patient monitoring systems. In centralized patient monitoring systems all patient monitors connected with a single server based patient monitor system. The use of networks in medical field has become a core component for any hospital system especially regarding critical issues, like data overflow and security issue etc. So introducing different type of networks topology will make the life easier for hospital management.
The new research on Peer-to-Peer network is gaining popularity in hospital environment. In future the doctors and other paramedical staff will able to more mobility, especially in monitoring point of view and will receive all physiological measurement sign of patient on his personal tablet computer or in other communication devices like cell phone etc.
Source: University of Boras
Author: Syed Muhammad Yasir Jafri
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