MMS-enabled terminals on the market today are very complicated to use. It takes several steps to create a multi-slide MMS-message with images and text. This discourages users Continue reading
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Tag: SQL
Employee Work Management using Java and SQL Server (Computer Project)
The system, which was developed now, makes this process of scheduling much easier and computerized. By this system the manager or top level designated employee Continue reading
Library Management System Using Visual Basic and MS SQL (Computer Project)
Library management system is a project which aims in developing a computerized system to maintain all the daily work of library. This project has many features which are generally Continue reading
CTG Carbon Calculator in ASP.Net (Computer Project)
A carbon dioxide emission calculator for buildings created by the U.S.-based company CTG Energetics, Inc. and based on a Excel file has been converted to a ASP.NET / SQL Server web application. Continue reading
Generating a Normalized Database Using Class Normalization (Computer Project)
Relational databases are the most popular databases used by enterprise applications to store persistent data to this day. It gives a lot of flexibility and efficiency. A process called database normalization helps make sure that the database is free from Continue reading
LabVIEW™ Database Interfacing For Robotic Control (Computer Project)
The Zymark™ System is a lab automation workstation that uses the Caliper Life Sciences (Hopkinton, MA) Zymate XP robot. At Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, a Zymate is used in a course, INFO I510 Data Acquisition and Laboratory Automation, to demonstrate the fundamentals of laboratory robotics. This robot has been Continue reading
Cooking Recipe Portal in ASP.NET 2.0 C# (Computer Project)
Cooking Recipe Portal is developed on ASP.NET 2.0 C# N-Tier application and SQL 2005 Database with stored procedure to contain and display recipes in a wide variety of Continue reading
Web Based Student Information Management System using HTML & SQL (Computer Project)
Student Information Management System (SIMS) provides a simple interface for maintenance of student information. It can be used by educational institutes or colleges to maintain the records of students easily. The creation and Continue reading
Database Management Systems using SQL, MySQL (Computer Project)
Data and information. These two things became leading factors through the past 50 years and during the 20th and 21th century as these concepts play a significant part of our everyday life. As in our society the role of the information is being Continue reading
Students Fingerprint Attendance System for Faculty of Engineering using PHP & SQL (Computer Project)
A finger-print based attendance system has been established to track students attendance reliably in various sessions through the year. It mainly consists of fingerprint reader connected via Ethernet LAN to PC containing interface through which Continue reading
Online College Portal using .Net & SQL (Computer Project)
Online College Portal (OCP) provides a simple interface for maintenance of student–faculty information. It can be used by educational institutes or colleges to maintain the records of students easily. The creation and management of accurate, update Continue reading
Faculty Information System (Computer Project)
The Faculty Information System is a web-based application designed to track current and prospective faculty information for the School of Computer Science and Information Systems (CSIS) at Pace University. This application provides a user-friendly Continue reading