SyncSim is a simulator framework capable of loading different simulator modules. It is used today with a module that simulates hardware models described with Java. This simulator module is used together with a model of Continue reading
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Tag: Simulation
Raptor Codes for Super-Dense Networks (Electronics Project)
In this project, we investigate the performance of Raptor codes as candidates for channel coding for the wireless communication between access nodes. Very high data-rates are used, and processing uses more resources Continue reading
Combined Platform for Boost Guidance and Attitude Control for Sounding Rockets (Electronics Project)
This report handles the preliminary design of a control system that includes both attitude control and boost control functionality for sounding rockets. This is done to Continue reading
Probability of Failure for Concrete Gravity Dams for Sliding Failure (Civil Project)
Safety of dams can be evaluated based on the risk analysis methodologies that accounts for estimation of the risks associated to the dam-reservoir system. For this purpose it is important to Continue reading
Study, Design and Implementation of an Application Specific Instruction Set Processor for a Specific DSP Task (Electronics Project)
There is a lot of literature already available describing well-structured approach for embedded design and implementation of Continue reading
GPS-based Attitude Determination (Electronics Project)
Inertial sensors and magnetometers are often used for attitude determination of moving platforms. This thesis treats an alternative method; GPS-based attitude determination. By using several GPS-antennas, and with carrier phase measurements Continue reading
Analysis and Simulation of Threats in an Open, Decentralized, Distributed Spam Filtering System (Computer Project)
The existence of spam email has gone from a fairly small amounts of a few hundred in the late 1970’s to several billions per day in 2010. This continually growing problem is of Continue reading
Analogy Between Equilibrium of Structures and Compatibility of Mechanisms (Civil Project)
Planar bar-and-joint mechanisms with one degree-of-freedom are widely used in deployable structures and machines. Such mechanisms are designed to Continue reading
Video Transmission Jerkiness Measure (Electronics Project)
Digital video transmission is widely used nowadays in multimedia. Frame dropping, freeze and reduced number of frames in the transmitted video are common Continue reading
A Home Automation System Using Hardware Design Concepts (Electronics Project)
Today, safety and security is just a click of the appropriate technology away, and with such advancements happening, the security of one’s home must also not be left behind. This project is an example of the use of digital systems design to accomplish Continue reading
Exoskeleton Arm: How to Construct a Smart Support Structure for an Arm (Mechanical Project)
The purpose of this thesis was to find an optimal way to construct and control a product that could help those who suffer from muscle weakness or a muscle sickness. The device was made out of Continue reading
A Comparison of Induction Motor Starting Methods Being Powered by a Diesel Generator Set (Electrical Project)
Starting induction motors on isolated or weak systems is a highly dynamic process that can cause motor and load damage as well as electrical network fluctuations. Mechanical damage is associated with the high starting current drawn by Continue reading