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A Home Automation System Using Hardware Design Concepts (Electronics Project)

Today, safety and security is just a click of the appropriate technology away, and with such advancements happening, the security of one’s home must also not be left behind. This project is an example of the use of digital systems design to accomplish Continue reading

IoT based Smart Vehicle Automation and Control with Enhanced Safety, Security and Traking System using Wireless Sensors Networks (Electronics Project)


In these modern era transportation is becoming as one of the important need of human. Though it has numerous need, we face lot of problem in it which cost human life. This paper deals with problem which cause accident and also to ensure Continue reading

A Practical Framework to Study Low-Power Scheduling Algorithms on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (Computer Project)


With the advanced technology used to design VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) circuits, low-power and energy-efficiency have played important roles for hardware and software implementation. Real-time scheduling is one of the fields that has attracted Continue reading

An Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Wireless Passive Sensor Networks (Electrical/Electronics Project)


Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is one of the key network protocols that ensure Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) maintain high performance during communication. MAC protocol design plays an important role in improving the performances Continue reading

A Hybrid FPGA-based System for EEG-and EMG-based Online Movement Prediction (Computer Project)


A current trend in the development of assistive devices for rehabilitation, for example exoskeletons or active orthoses, is to utilize physiological data to enhance their functionality and usability, for example by predicting the patient’s upcoming Continue reading