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Workplace Posture Assessment and Biofeedback With Kinect (Electrical/Electronics Project)


With the prevalence of computing, many workers today are confined to desk within an office. By sitting in these positions for long periods of time, workers are prone to develop one of many musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Continue reading

Hardware and Software Study of Active Noise Cancellation (Electrical/Electronics Project)


Noise cancellation involves removing an unwanted noise while keeping the source sound. The source sound may consist of speech, music played from a device such as an iPod or a computer, or no sound at all. The objective of this project is to study the process Continue reading

Design of PM Generator for Avertical Axis Wind Turbine (Electrical/Electronics Project)

The task in this project is to design a generator for a vertical axis wind turbine with power rated to 20kW at a wind speed of 10m/s. The design has just a few moving parts, which decreases maintenance costs and increases its toughness. The turbine absorbs wind from Continue reading

Object-Oriented Modelling of a Wind Power Plant in Modelica and Analysis of Loads on Blade Bearings (Mechanical Project)

Within this study a strongly simplified yet complete, component-based numerical model for load analysis of a horizontal wind turbine is built up. The model is written in the open-source, object-orientated and equation-based modelling language Modelica and designed in Continue reading