Modeling is a complex process which is quite hard to do in a structured and controlled way. Many companies provide a set of guidelines for model structure, naming conventions and other modeling rules. Using meta-models to describe these guidelines makes it possible to Continue reading
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Mechatronics Design of a Low-Cost Packaging and Dosing Machine for Doughy Products (Electronics/Mechanical Project)
The need to improve a packaging system of a company was the idea that impelled the realization of this Continue reading
Redesign of an Existing Apartment Block in Kv Preussen to Passive House (Civil Project)
Passive houses are a relatively new concept in Sweden and by that it is meant a house without a traditional heating system. The most acknowledged passive house project is the Continue reading
Entrepreneurship in a Global Context: Case Studies from Start-ups in China, Lebanon and Sweden (Management Project)
In this study, we have investigated what skill sets entrepreneurs apply in order to become entrepreneurs, how entrepreneurs are influenced by globalisation and how they overcome Continue reading
A Linked List-based Algorithm for Blob Detection on Embedded Vision-based Sensors (Electrical/Electronics Project)
Blob detection is a common task in vision-based applications. Most existing algorithms are aimed at execution on general purpose computers; while very few can be adapted to the computing restrictions present in embedded platforms. This paper focuses Continue reading
Books and Library Lending Management in PHP (Software Project)
Basically, this application is used to manage books and maintain records about students, teachers and other all information of the library. It maintains the records of lend or return Continue reading
Instabilities in Pulsating Pipe Flow of Shear-Thinning and Shear-Thickening Fluids (Mechanical Project)
In this study, we have considered the modal and non-modal stability of fluids with shear-dependent viscosity flowing in a rigid straight pipe. A second order finite-difference code is used for the simulation of pipe flow in the cylindrical coordinate system. The Carreau-Yasuda model where the Continue reading
Potential Use of Natural Red Mud as Pozzolan for Portland Cement (Civil Project)
Red mud, the main waste generated in aluminum and alumina production by the Bayer process, is considered hazardous due to its high pH, according to the Continue reading
Assessing the role of work Motivation on Employee Performance (Management Project)
The main purpose of this study was to assess the role of work motivation on employee performance. This study in an assessment of this purpose used deductive approach in which a qualitative survey was carried out among students at Continue reading
An Embedded Sensing and Communication Platform, and a Healthcare Model for Remote Monitoring of Chronic Diseases (Electrical/Electronics Project)
This paper presents a new remote healthcare model, which, exploiting wireless biomedical sensors, an embedded local unit (gateway) for sensor data acquisition-processing-communication, and a remote e-Health service center, can be scaled Continue reading
Students experiences on eMesimi; an e-learning system in University of Prishtina, Kosova (Computer Project)
Nowadays many universities in the world apply technology enhanced learning in order to help students. Due to potentials that technology enhanced learning offers, nowadays education in all contexts is using it and universities in particular are trying to apply it. One such case is Continue reading
Structural Analysis of a Washing Machine through its Loading Cases (Mechanical Project)
This project is focused in the determination of different loading cases and the application of their results to the optimization of two parts of Continue reading