Distribution of information across IP based networks is today part of our everyday life. IP is the backbone of the Internet and most office networks. We use IP to access web pages, listen to Continue reading
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Computer Projects
Exploiting Single-Threaded Model in Multi-Core In-memory Systems (IEEE Computer Project)
The widely adopted single-threaded OLTP model assigns a single thread to each static partition of the database for processing transactions in Continue reading
Object-Oriented Development of a Smart Phone Application from an Existing Service (Computer Project)
Lissly.com is a monitoring service that monitors the presence of brands, companies and people in social media. As a complement to the web based tool, an application for smartphones is Continue reading
Social Information Filtering: Algorithms for Automating “Word of Mouth” (Computer Project)
This paper describes a technique for making personalized recommendations from any type of database to a user based on similarities between the interest profile of Continue reading
Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping of Indoor Environments Using a Stereo Camera and a Laser Camera (Computer/Electronics Project)
This study describes and investigates different approaches to indoor mapping and navigation. A system capable of mapping large Continue reading
Testing Challenges in Web-based Applications with respect to Interoperability and Integration (Computer Project)
Testing is one of the critical processes in software development life cycle. It plays key role in the success of software product by improving its quality. Web-based applications are emerging and evolving rapidly; their importance and complexity is also Continue reading
Design of Online Auction System with Alternative Currencies (Computer Project)
The University of Maryland has one of the most popular Basketball programs in the region. About 35,000 students seek 4,000 free student tickets allocated for Continue reading
Modelica PARallel benchmark suite (MPAR) – A test suite for Evaluating the Performance of Parallel Simulations of Modelica Models (Computer Project)
Using the object-oriented, equation-based modeling language Modelica, it is possible to model and simulate computationally intensive models. To reduce the simulation time, a desirable approach is to Continue reading
Robust Communication for Location-Aware Mobile Robots using Motes (Computer Project)
The best mode of communication for a team of mobile robots deployed to cooperatively perform a particular task is through exchange of messages. To facilitate such exchange, a Continue reading
Compressed Fingerprint Matching and Camera Identification via Random Projection (IEEE Computer Project)
Sensor imperfections in the form of photoresponse nonuniformity (PRNU) patterns are a well-established fingerprinting technique to link pictures to Continue reading
Evaluate Security on the Internet Cafe (Computer Project)
Internet security (Network security) is a big topic that is very important in our society communication system, but it is extremely dynamic and wide in scope. This is the reason that many companies and organizations invest heavily in Continue reading
A Case-Based Engine to Create Dynamic Content Adapting Users’ and Context Profiles (Computer Project)
Nowadays, we can find many interactive applications and mobile services accessible everywhere. Usually, these services have been designed to serve a unique target population, independent for Continue reading