Consumer generated contents on social media can provide insights and intelligence for firms to improve their performance. In this paper, we highlight the Continue reading
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Computer Projects
Deployment and Analysis of DKIM with DNSSEC (Computer Project)
As the email system is widely used as a communication channel, and often is crucial for the performance of organizations, it is important that users can trust the content of Continue reading
An Evaluation of Clustering and Classification Algorithms in Life-Logging Devices (Computer Project)
Using life-logging devices and wearables is a growing trend in today’s society. These yield vast amounts of information, data that is not directly over-seeable or graspable at a Continue reading
A Modular API for Intelligent Virtual Agents (Computer Project)
This report proposes a modular Application Programmer’s Interface (API) for handling the mental layer of intelligent virtual agents for a wide range of Continue reading
On Patterns for Refactoring Legacy C++ Code Into a Testable State Using Inversion of Control (Computer Project)
This thesis work tries to remedy that and, in the scope of a limited case study on an existing code base, looks into different ways of creating and utilizing object seams in legacy C++ code to decouple dependencies to Continue reading
Developing a Mobile Extension Application: OptiCaller Application and Provisioning System (Electronics/Computer Project)
Today companies (especially large companies whose employees make a lot of international business trips) often have very large telephone bills. While international roaming technically works with GSM, the cost of phone calls from one country to another are often much higher than Continue reading
A Prototype System for Ontology Matching using Polygons (Computer Project)
When two distributed parties want to share information stored in ontologies, they have to make sure that they refer to the same concepts. This is done matching the Continue reading
Modeling/Evaluation of Modular Spacecraft Avionics Network Architectures (Space Project)
Satellite or deep space exploration spacecraft avionics design is strongly determined by the need to achieve a long lifetime and to autonomously maintain safe operations in case Continue reading
Development of an API for Creating and Editing openEHR Archetypes (Computer Project)
Archetypes are used to standardize a way of creating, presenting and distributing health care data. In this master thesis project the open specifications of openEHR was followed. The objective of this project has been to develop a Java based API for Continue reading
Incorporating Video Support in an Innovative Communications Solution (Computer Project)
Ericsson is a large actor in the telecom industry, providing infrastructure and communication solutions connecting billions of people around the world. The Multimedia branch of Ericsson focuses on the development of communications solutions, and one of these new innovative solutions is called Continue reading
Architectural Rules Conformance with ArCon and Open-Source Modeling Tools (Computer Project)
In software development it is often crucial that the system implementation follows the architecture defined through design patterns and a constraint set. In Model-Driven development most artefacts are created using models, but the Continue reading
A Skeleton library for Cell Broadband Engine (Computer Project)
The Cell Broadband Engine processor is a powerful processor capable of over 220 GFLOPS. It is highly specialized and can be controlled in detail by the programmer. The Cell is significantly more complicated to Continue reading