During the last few years, Ericsson has developed an emulator for the telephone system called CPP (Connectivity Packet Platform) with TietoEnator as a Continue reading
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Tag: Networking
Improving Data Delivery in Wide Area and Mobile Environments (Computer Project)
The popularity of the Internet has dramatically increased the diversity of clients and applications that access data across wide area networks and mobile environments. Data delivery in these environments presents Continue reading
Computing a Network of ASRs using a Mobile Robot Equipped with Sonar Sensors (IEEE Robotics Project)
This paper presents a novel algorithm for computing absolute space representations (ASRs) for mobile robots equipped with sonar sensors and an odometer. The robot is allowed to wander freely Continue reading
Architecture Considerations for Video Conferencing in the Internet with Wireless Links (Computer Project)
Multimedia applications are already supported over the Internet with application level adaptation mechanisms. However, wireless links have Continue reading
Network Admission Control (NAC) Securing End Point Devices (Computer Project)
There have been remarkable growths in wireless communication networks in recent years; this is because of its merits over the wired networks such as Mobility and convenience. Wireless networks transmit the signal over the open air via radio waves of different frequencies, this makes it to be Continue reading
Optimal Coherent Reconstruction of Unstructured Mesh Sequences with Evolving Topology (Computer Project)
Animated three dimensional geometry has become a natural part in many areas over the last decade. Industries such as games and special effects have pushed the Continue reading
Dial over Data solution (Electronics/Telecom Project)
The increased use of computer networks has lead to the adoption of Internet-based solutions for reducing telephony costs. This has proved to be a boon to callers who can reach the other party directly via Continue reading
Horus: A WLAN based Indoor Location Determination System (Computer Project)
As ubiquitous computing becomes more popular, the need for context-aware applications increases. The context of an application refers to the Continue reading
Open Source Strategy: A Change of Perception through the Lens of Innovation (Management Project)
Open Source Software has been all about myths until recently, with many people believing that open source isn’t reliable because the open source projects are held by a small group of Continue reading
Design and Implementation of a Generic Communication Protocol for use in an IPTV Environment (Computer Project)
With the presence of smartphones and tablets people are getting used to control their technical devices at home with custom applications. This study explores the possibility of Continue reading
Protocol Design and Implementation for Wireless Sensor Networks (Electronics Project)
Designing efficient and reliable communication protocols for wireless sensor networks in indoor monitoring applications is a challenging task, due to the uncertainty and dynamics of the Continue reading
Toward Accurate Network Delay Measurement on Android Phones (Computer Project)
Measuring and understanding the performance of mobile networks is becoming very important for end users and operators. Despite the availability of many measurement apps, their measurement accuracy has not received sufficient scrutiny. Continue reading