The market of portable digital audio players (DAPs) have literally exploded the last couple of years. Other markets has grown as well. PDAs, GPS receivers, mobile phones, and Continue reading
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Tag: Low-cost
Runtime Parallelisation Switching for MPEG4 Encoder on MPSoC (Electronics/Computer Project)
The recent development for multimedia applications on mobile terminals raised the need for flexible and scalable computing platforms that are capable of providing Continue reading
A Novel Planar Microstrip Antenna Design for UHF RFID (Electronics Project)
Passive UHF RFID tags suffer from performance degradation when placed near conductors and high dielectric substances. Microstrip RFID tags offer a potential solution to find this metal-water problem associated with Continue reading
Analog-to-Digital Converter Design for Non-Uniform Quantization (Electronics Project)
The study demonstrates a low-cost, low-bandwidth and low-resolution Analog-to- Digital Converter(ADC) in 0.35 um CMOS Process. A second-order Sigma-Delta modulator is used as the basis of Continue reading