Embedded wireless networks have largely focused on open-loop sensing and monitoring. To address actuation in closed-loop wireless control systems there is a strong need to re-think the communication architectures and Continue reading
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Embedded wireless networks have largely focused on open-loop sensing and monitoring. To address actuation in closed-loop wireless control systems there is a strong need to re-think the communication architectures and Continue reading
This project is divided into two sub projects. Both of the projects are executed for Fogmaker, a company that specialises in designing and installing fire suppression systems in Continue reading
Employer brand establishes a firms’ identity as an employer. It distinguishes one firm from others, creating an identity that gives a competitive advantage in the search for Continue reading
This paper describes the way start-ups use Project Management, what their needs in this field are, and what tools they use to support it. In the first part of this paper, a comprehensive literature review is performed, divided into three main parts. First, Continue reading
The aim of hybridizing renewable energy sources is that the main load shall be covered by the available solar energy source and other sources shall function as a complement when there is a deficiency in the main source. The aim of the system is to Continue reading
With the steady increase in the use of mobile technologies, studying the energy consumption of mobile applications becomes more interesting. In this thesis, the energy consumption of such applications Continue reading
This document compiles a highly discussed issue present in many cities of the developing world today; it brings forward the importance of facing the challenges that slums create to Continue reading
This project studies two related issues that have gained relevance as a consequence of several of the major currency crises of the 1990s. The first is the impact that devaluations have on investment when domestic firms have currency Continue reading
As we get into the Internet of Things era, security and privacy concerns remain as the main obstacles in the development of innovative and valuable services to be exploited by society. Given the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) nature of these Continue reading
This report aims to determine the economical benefits of improved public transport in some of Stockholms northern suburbs that are strategic locations for further urbanization. The correlation between public transport (PT) and property values will be Continue reading
The importance of placement system is increasing day by day. Thousands of applicants are depending placement cell. But the applicants are facing so many problems. This project is an attempt to minimize the problems of an applicant to find a correct job. Continue reading
Banks have traditionally been in the forefront of harnessing technology to improve their products, services and efficiency. They have, over a long time, been using electronic and telecommunication networks for delivering a wide range of value added products Continue reading