An area within psychology that looks at the strengths and positive sides of human life has emerged the last decade. It is called positive psychology and one area related to that is positive adaptation. The main purpose of this paper is to Continue reading
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Audio Guidance System for the Blind with Circuit Diagram (Electronics Project)
Project Objectives
- The main goal of the project is to provide a cost-effective way to allow buildings to support blind people.
- The Blind Audio Guidance System hopes to allow visually impaired users to simply press a button, speak the desired destination, and be guided there with the Continue reading
Inventory Management System in JAVA (Computer Project)
An inventory control system is an integrated package of software and hardware used in warehouse operations, and elsewhere, to monitor the quantity, location and Continue reading
Development of a Methodology to Simulate Simple Mismatching in Photovoltaic Systems (Mechanical Project)
The currently available tools to simulate solar photovoltaic (PV) systems do not offer a reliable solution to simulate string or module level inverter systems with partial shading and modules with Continue reading
Can You Trust Marketing Messages (Management Project)
Today, millions of purchased domain sites names are sitting unused with no real web designs or concrete purpose coupled with them. Why would not owners engage a web-hosting domain-parking hotel so they can earn money through Continue reading
Printed Monopole Antennas for Multiband Applications (ECE/EEE Project)
In this paper, we have investigated printed rectangular monopole antennas, which is basically a printed microstrip antenna with Continue reading
Common Employment System for Employment Exchanges using J2EE and Struts (Computer Project)
The project has been developed to fulfill the requirements of the Employment Exchanges. The current product is a part of overall web-based employment portal. The product will take care of job seeker, employer and employment exchange perspective for Continue reading
Energy Efficiency in Rotating Equipment (Mechanical Project)
This paper reports the findings of the first stage of a study on how the efficiency of a centrifugal pump depends on the eccentricity of the impeller (rotor). The geometry of the pump is based on the ERCOFTAC centrifugal pump that Continue reading
Appraising Investment Property at Fair Value (Management Project)
On January 1, 2005 a new accounting standard became the valid standard for all listed companies within the EU and among them the property companies. This means that the real estate business now appraise their property holdings at fair value, using the Continue reading
Digital Clock & Stop Watch – Using MC80F0448 Flash MCU (Electronics Project)
This program is the example of MC80F0448 functions like Timer, LED Driving , Buzzer Driving etc. The Digital Clock & Stop Watch is operated by Continue reading
Fully automatic benchmarking of Real-time Operating Systems (Computer Project)
Testing and evaluating the performance of different software solutions is important in order to compare them with each other. Measuring, or benchmark, software is not a trivial task and conducting tests in a real-time environment implicates it Continue reading
Cutting out the Middleman: The Increasing Disintermediation by Swedish Exporting Sawmills (Management Project)
The Swedish sawmill industry is changing, and sawmills are increasingly pursuing disintermediation opportunities internationally. However, little is known, theoretically nor practically, regarding what is Continue reading