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Fingerprint Recognition Algorithm Using Phase-Based Image Matching

A major approach for fingerprint recognition today is to extract minutiae from fingerprint images and to perform fingerprint matching based on the number of corresponding minutiae pairings. One of the most difficult problems in fingerprint recognition has been that the recognition performance is significantly influenced by fingertip surface condition, which may vary depending on environmental or personal causes.

Addressing this problem, this paper presents a fingerprint recognition algorithm using Continue reading

Simple JAVA Search Engine

Nowadays every user who uses Internet wants to search for anything and everything, like Educational colleges, about Information Technology, books, news etc., using Search Engines. This is the need for every one.

This project is a simple search engine, which searches the web with 3 search engines and selects 25 top links and lists them. To develop this project we applied ranking algorithm Continue reading

Human Area Networking

So far we have seen LAN, MAN, WAN, INTERNET & many more but here is new concept of “RED TACTON” which makes the human body as a communication network by name….HAN (Human Area Network).

NTT lab from Japan is currently testing & developing this revolutionary technology. Red Tacton is a new Human Area networking technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe, high-speed network transmission path. Red Tacton uses the minute electric field generated by human body as Continue reading