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Design of a Pivotally Tool Holder (Mechanical Project)

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Ljunghäll AB in Södra Vi has many industrial robots in their casting production. These robots have a tendency to wear out. The purpose with this study was to design a toolholder that was able flip to a 90 degree angle to get a more flexible production but also to lessen the wear on the robot.

Parts of David G. Ullman and Ulf Liedholm’s design processes was used as a base for the solutions and the conceptual design. A number of concepts where made and one of them evaluated to be a refined concept. The result became a tool-holder that used an air-motor and two spur gears to rotate the plate where the tool is mounted to a 90 degree angle.

According to the calculations that was made, both by hand and by the computer program COSMOS, the concept should work in practice. A prototype ought to be made to guarantee the function of the concept.
Source: Linköping University
Author: Voxberg, Joel  | Persson, Johan

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>> Robotics based Mechanical Projects for Final Year Students

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