In small-scale industries and automobile maintenance shops, there are frequent needs of tightening and loosening of screws, drilling, boring, grinding machine.
Huge and complicated designed parts cannot be machined with the help of an ordinary machine and further for every operation separate machine is required therefore increasing the number of machines required and increasing the area required for them to be accommodated and hence overall initial cost required is increased.
In a single machine all the above specified operation can be carried out, i.e., after drilling, the drill head is removed from the barrel key and the required tools like grinding wheels, boring tool etc., can be attached, and the operation can be performed.

Design and Fabrication of Pneumatic Auto Feed Drilling Machine
By the application of pneumatics, the pneumatic cylinder with piston which is operated by an air compressor will give the successive action to operate this machine. By this we can achieve our industrial requirements.
Source: SRM University
Author: C.G. Arrun Ravi | D.K.Balajee | Kaushal Kumar Jain