By producing vegetables year-round, small-scale growers can increase their incomes and enhance the diets of their families and communities. Vegetable crops respond well to irrigation, which helps to improve yield and quality, and increases the efficiency of other inputs.
Simple, low-cost drip irrigation systems can ensure small-scale producers benefit from water resources. This 10-chapter manual provides basic, step-by-step procedures for installing simple drip irrigation systems for different crops, climates, and soils. It addresses common problems, provides troubleshooting and maintenance tips, and offers irrigation scheduling guidelines to avoid under- or over-irrigation.
Methods to determine soil types, water quality, water-holding capacity, crop coefficient, and crop water demand are illustrated. The information presented in this guide has been compiled from relevant literature, research and development projects, and is based on practical field experience.

Using Simple Drip Irrigation Systems
This manual is intended as a guide for small-scale vegetable producers, and as a reference for extension agents to use in training and demonstrations. Agricultural input suppliers in rural and peri-urban areas may also find it a useful resource to support and promote drip irrigation.
Source: AVRDC
Authors: Manuel Palada, Surya Bhattarai, Deng-lin Wu, Michael Roberts, Madhusudan Bhattarai, Ros Kimsan, David Midmore
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