The Vehicle Management Software is a system providing management functions which allows companies to remove or minimize the risks associated with vehicles owned by the companies. Our Vehicle Management software is not restricted to managing the individual vehicles, but includes the daily management of vehicles, fuel and services, drivers, etc.
In this project, passenger can login and know about the bus route information. And also ticket booking and payment process can be done through online. The data is secured very efficiently. This proposed system is very useful for the operators and passengers. This avoids the overheads for the operators.

Vehicle Management System in JAVA
Modules of Vehicle Management System
- Login Module
- Ticket Booking Module
- Employee Module
- Passenger Module
- Payment Module
- Buses Module
Software Used
Front-end : Java (JDK 1.7 or use Java IDE like Net Beans 6.0)
Back-end : MS Access 2003 or later
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